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Konya Destinations

The Tomb Of Rumi


Konya: The Tomb of Rumi


Welcome to the sacred Tomb of Rumi, a place of profound spiritual significance and serene tranquility. Nestled in the heart of Konya, Turkey, this hallowed mausoleum is the final resting place of the renowned 13th-century Persian poet and philosopher, Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi.


Stepping into the Tomb of Rumi is like entering a realm of spiritual enchantment. As you wander through the ornately adorned halls and courtyards, you'll be captivated by the palpable sense of reverence and awe that permeates the air. The stunning architecture and intricate artwork pay homage to Rumi's enduring legacy and offer a glimpse into his enlightened teachings.


Inside the mausoleum, the tomb itself stands as a testament to Rumi's profound impact on the world. Devotees from all corners of the globe gather here to pay their respects, seeking solace and inspiration from the man known as the "Mevlana," the master of mysticism. It is a place where the boundaries of time and space seem to dissolve, inviting visitors to delve into the depths of their own spirituality.


Beyond the tomb, the surrounding complex houses a museum dedicated to Rumi's life and works. Here, you can explore a treasure trove of artifacts, manuscripts, and relics that shed light on Rumi's poetic genius and his profound philosophy of love, unity, and transcendence. Engage with his poetry, let the words resonate within you, and experience the transformative power of Rumi's timeless wisdom.


Whether you are a seeker of spiritual enlightenment, an admirer of Rumi's poetry, or simply someone seeking solace in a place of profound significance, the Tomb of Rumi promises an unforgettable experience. Step into this sacred sanctuary and allow the spirit of Rumi to guide you on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.


Sultan Selim Mosque

Konya: Sultan Selim Mosque


Welcome to the magnificent Sultan Selim Mosque, a stunning architectural masterpiece located in Istanbul, Turkey. This historic mosque stands as a testament to the grandeur and beauty of Ottoman architecture, while also serving as a symbol of religious and cultural significance.

As you approach the Sultan Selim Mosque, you'll be captivated by its majestic presence and intricate details. The mosque's exterior features intricate patterns, graceful domes, and towering minarets that reach towards the heavens. Its imposing structure is a true sight to behold, leaving visitors in awe of its splendor.

Step inside, and you'll be greeted by a serene and spacious interior that exudes a sense of tranquility. The vast prayer hall is adorned with breathtaking calligraphy, ornate chandeliers, and delicate tile work, creating an atmosphere of divine beauty and spiritual reverence. The soft, warm light filtering through the stained glass windows adds a touch of ethereal charm to the space.

The Sultan Selim Mosque also houses a captivating courtyard, where visitors can take a moment to relax and admire the architectural grandeur that surrounds them. The meticulously landscaped gardens and calming fountains offer a peaceful retreat from the bustling city, inviting visitors to reflect and find solace in the serene atmosphere.

One of the highlights of the mosque is its historical significance. Built during the 16th century, the Sultan Selim Mosque honors Sultan Selim II, the 11th Ottoman Sultan. It stands as a testament to the rich cultural and religious heritage of the Ottoman Empire, showcasing the remarkable craftsmanship and architectural prowess of the era.

Whether you are a history enthusiast, an architecture lover, or a seeker of spiritual enlightenment, a visit to the Sultan Selim Mosque is an enriching experience. Take in the breathtaking beauty, immerse yourself in the tranquility of the prayer hall, and embrace the sense of awe-inspiring spirituality that permeates this sacred space.

The Sultan Selim Mosque is not only a remarkable architectural gem but also a place of cultural significance and historical importance. Explore its magnificent halls, soak in the atmosphere of reverence, and let the spirit of the mosque guide you on a journey of reflection and appreciation for the rich heritage of Istanbul.

Mevlana Caddesi

Konya: Mevlana Caddesi

Mevlana Caddesi, located in the heart of Istanbul, Turkey, is a bustling and vibrant street that beckons visitors with its eclectic blend of history, culture, and modernity. This lively avenue offers a delightful mix of shops, eateries, and attractions, making it a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

As you step foot onto Mevlana Caddesi, you'll be greeted by a tapestry of colors, aromas, and sounds that encapsulate the essence of Istanbul's vibrant street life. The street is a shopper's paradise, boasting an array of boutique stores, artisanal shops, and local market stalls. From exquisite Turkish carpets and traditional ceramics to contemporary fashion and unique souvenirs, Mevlana Caddesi offers an abundance of treasures waiting to be discovered.

Culinary enthusiasts will be thrilled by the diverse dining options available along Mevlana Caddesi. The street is home to a rich tapestry of culinary delights, ranging from traditional Turkish street food to international cuisine. Explore charming cafes, cozy restaurants, and vibrant eateries where you can savor the tantalizing flavors of Istanbul's culinary heritage. From mouthwatering kebabs to delectable pastries and aromatic Turkish tea, Mevlana Caddesi invites you to embark on a delightful culinary journey.

Beyond its shopping and dining experiences, Mevlana Caddesi is steeped in history and culture. As you wander along the street, you'll encounter architectural gems, ornate mosques, and historical landmarks that bear witness to Istanbul's rich heritage. Take a moment to marvel at the intricate details of the buildings, immerse yourself in the vibrant street art, and soak in the bustling energy of the city.

Mevlana Caddesi is also a hub for cultural events and entertainment. The street comes alive with festivals, street performances, and live music, offering a glimpse into Istanbul's thriving arts scene. From traditional music and dance performances to contemporary exhibitions and cultural celebrations, there is always something exciting happening along Mevlana Caddesi.

Whether you're a history buff, a food lover, or a fashion enthusiast, Mevlana Caddesi promises a dynamic and captivating experience. Lose yourself in the vibrant tapestry of Istanbul's street life, embrace the melting pot of cultures, and immerse yourself in the energy and charm of this enchanting destination.

Alaaddin Mosque

Alaaddin Mosque