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Alexandria Destinations

Alexandria is Egypt's port city on the Mediterranean. It had a famous library and a lighthouse that was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World during the Hellenistic era.

National Museum Of Alexandria

The National Museum of Alexandria was constructed in 1926 and occupies the palace of Governor Al-Saad Bassili. It is a white Italianate palace that served as the social hub for Alexandria's upper-class Egyptians.

Library Of Alexandria

The Library of Alexandria was reconstructed in 1987 as a tribute to the old library. This site serves as a still-standing reminder of the old epicenter of learning and culture.

Qaitbay Citadel

Built in the fifteenth century, Quality Citadel is a defensive fortress—quite new as compared to all the other monuments in Alexandria. It is situated at the port on the island of Faro.

Pompey’s Column

Pompey’s Column was the location of the Serapeus Temple, a shrine dedicated to the worship of Serapis. Serapis was a Greco-Egyptian god who was designated by Ptolemy I as the official god of Egypt and Greece and the patron of Alexandria.

Roman Amphitheater

The Alexandrian amphitheater was discovered in 1960. The theater's construction dates back to the fourth century A.D., and it was in continuous use throughout the Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic eras until the seventh century.